Study opportunities

When you do contact us, it is critical to be specific about your interests rather than asking us to generically look at your CV. The more you can demonstrate your knowledge and interest in a specific topic the more likely we will be able to take your application seriously. We are also wary of opening attachments as these have been used in the past as Malware.

We have a wide variety of other research interests that you can find in our publications and at current and recent projects. These projects can be tailored to fit an MSc or PhD thesis.

Currently, these projects do not have funding but the University does offer PhD scholarships for both New Zealanders and international students through the general MSc and PhD University of Waikato scholarships. These are very competitive and require careful consultation between the potential applicant and an academic at the University.

We are happy to discuss potential projects but receive frequent requests to work with us on projects. We can only support a few applicants and our support does not guarantee success in obtaining a scholarship. Consequently, if you are interested in one of these projects it is important that you demonstrate to us that you understand and are genuinely engaged in the topic.

The criteria for success also depends on prior academic achievement, e.g., high GPA or equivalent and also a desire to fit into our team.

We certainly don’t claim to have all the good ideas so we welcome your own ideas particularly if they fit within the our current and recent projects. So feel free to contact us.

Note that the ideas/descriptions/opinions on these pages are ours and may not reflect those of the University of Waikato.